Monday, August 13, 2007


I've been missing in action lately because I have become very concerned (obsessed) with the fact that Halloween is almost upon us (in two months and 17 days!) and I still haven't started on my props for this year's haunted house. This whole weekend was spent at yard sales and Home Depot and Michael's buying supplies. I'm about $100 poorer right now, but at least I have chicken wire, and PVC pipes, and glue, and gloves, and varnish, and paint, and wire clippers, and grave markers and...let's just say I'm going to be pretty busy for the next two and a half months, so the posting may be scarce. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I updated my page on (the myspace for Halloween freaks), so I will be posting all of my progress there. That way, I won't bore you with my excessive Halloween talk here.

BTW, if you have any extra Michael's coupons, please be sure to send them my way. Oh...and if you know where I can get cheap ventriloquist dummies, I'd really appreciate it.

Finally, speaking of dummies, I have a fun little quiz to share:

How smart are you? - Are you dumb?

Hopefully, you'll score better on the sports section because I tanked on that one!


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