Thursday, June 17, 2010


My grandfather passed away. Like his mom, my great grandmother, he had Alzheimer's so he didn't really recognize anyone or anything anymore. In a sense, I feel like the real him, had left us a long long time ago. He was a Doctor in Pharmacy, a college professor, a chemist, a husband, a father, a grandfather, a great grandfather.

I will always remember how beautifully he played the piano (by ear). How he loved to show off his guns (both the literal and figurative ones)...and especially his fascination with the trains. He devoted a whole room in his house to the trains and would often invite me inside to his magical wonderland to watch them go round and round.

I will always remember how he loved boxing, a cold beer, and how he liked to show off his English speaking skills to me. I will forever picture him in his guayabera shirt sitting in his recliner chair.
Papa Quincho, I will miss you, I love you...and I hope they've got model trains in Heaven.

Cheers! To a life well lived.
May you rest in peace.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Papa Quincho.
Cheers to Heaven. I'll take care of Claudia for you down here.

10:10 AM  
Blogger wRitErsbLock said...

hugs to you and your family

6:16 PM  

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