Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Traveling Head

In my last post I asked for ideas for places to take my little out of town friend (say hello to my little friend) and nobody responded (I'd like to think that it was because blogger was having issues...yes, that is what I'd LIKE to think happened), but that's OK cause the weather was crappy, so I couldn't go anywhere anyway. You're probably wondering who my mystery friend is by now. Well, it's not really a person, but an item. When I got home on Wednesday last week I found this lovely package on my front porch. I love finding packages on my front porch and I love it even more when I haven't even bought anything, unless the package is ticking, in which case, I don't love it too much. As soon as I saw the label that said "Toby's Traveling Skull" I stopped dialing the bomb squad number and hung up the phone. How fun! A skull!... and a traveling one at that! We Halloween folk are excited by things like these you see.

Two years ago (when I was child-free and obviously didn't have enough things to do with my time) I signed up to be a part of this traveling skull adventure. I had totally forgotten about it and figured it had fallen by the wayside, but alas, there was the skull, right on my front porch. I thought to myself: Wow, the skull is here, now I have to go out and do fun and adventurous things so that I can take pictures with the skull and write about all the wonderful things that we did while he was with me. Pressure!

Unfortunately for those of you paying attention to the weather here in Miami (which you should all be, yes, even those of you from MA should pay attention to the weather here), you might have noticed that last week's weather was completely crappy. It rained almost every day; so much for taking mr. skull to South Beach to pick up girls (he likes the bony types). Instead, mr. skull had to make due with sitting on my bar for a couple of days. I am getting ahead of myself though; when I first took him out the box, he was all the rage. The doggies were sniffing and Christian was patting him on the head. I told mr. skull that that was a universal toddler gesture of acceptance.

On Sunday, we got dressed up and went over to my mom's house to celebrate Father's Day (Do we look like the Adams family or what? da da da dum snap snap). On Monday, mr. skull got to go shopping and on Tuesday, it was "Take your skull to work day" (you're probably asking doesn't everybody take their skull to work everyday?...well, sometimes I wonder), so mr. skull came to work with me and sat in my office for the day.

It was quite a fun task even though I received numerous strange looks throughout the week. Some people thought it was weird that I was carrying around a skull, but others thought the project was pretty neat. I can't wait to see what happens at the end of his trip around the US (in about 3 years). I hope the folks who put this together will make a little webpage with all the pictures and stories from his journey. It will be fun to see all the people and places he's seen. I guess we'll have to wait and see. For now, I must pass on the torch. Yesterday, I packed mr. skull back in his box and sent him off to the next person. Have fun in Texas mr. skull and don't forget to write!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was really fun, and I quite enjoyed the take-your-skull-to-work day comment. I'm with you!

Anyway, that is the coolest project — I would totally sign up for something like that if someone told me about it. And hey, don't feel bad that he didn't get to go to South Beach — that's so cliche, anyway. :-)

9:23 PM  

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