Thursday, November 29, 2007

Not-So-New Kid

Amanda likes to send me emails whose sole purpose is to make me feel old (thank you Manders). She just informed me that our favorite New Kid on the Block, Jonathan Knight, is turning 39 today. Go ahead...zap me back 20 years in time why don't cha.
Oh my. Thirty nine... that's awfully close to FORTY. He looks good except for the fact that he looks a little frail and wasted. Eat some burgers Jon, it'll help your face fill in a bit.

It appears that Andrew McCarthy is also having a birthday. He's even older! He's turning 45.

OK how sad is it that most of the guys I had/have a crush on are in their 40's?

I guess Amanda's right..."we’re no spring chickens either!".

What happened to you Andrew? You were so cute in that Mannequin movie.

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Blogger AmandaDufau said...

That's what I'm here for! LOL

3:31 PM  

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