Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Scary Santa

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Cla....Wait Christian!...Come back!...It's OK baby, it's just Santa...

Yeah, this year's Santa picture didn't go very well (not that last year's was any good either). At least last year though, I was able to get him to sit on Santa's lap. This year, I had a monkey-boy that attached himself to me and wouldn't let go.
I can't say I blame him though...that Coca Cola Publix Santa was kind of scary looking. It's a good thing the picture was free. I'm glad I didn't go through the hassle of dressing him up and taking him to the Falls like I did last year.

Click here for some more hilarious Scary Santa pictures.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh. I guess my comment got eaten yesterday. Not that it was a shining beacon of literary wit, but it must be noted that this is a funny picture. I feel bad for your little guy that he was scared, don't get me wrong, but yeah, I snickered a little.

9:22 AM  

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